We carry stock. You earn.

We have tried and tested numerous products, established the most successful ones and created individual brands capable of generating a substantial passive income. More information on purchasing a brand is available here.

Each of the sites can be explored and a historic 30 day total turnover of the collection of products presented.

We have temporarily password protected the sites to disallow potential customers from purchasing products on the stores. To view the respective sites use the password 1234.

Beer Fishy Fishy

A humorous store offering fishing t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters and more for fishing enthusiasts. A tightly focused niche with easy marketing options.

30 day turnover: TBA

Price: R 5000

Password: 1234


Dad's on Point

The best dad jokes should always be on a t-shirt. Dad's on Point makes for a perfect gift store and is something all fathers, wives and kids can relate to.

30 day turnover: TBA

Price: R 3000

Password: 1234


Nou Gaan Ons Braai

Been there, done that, now you need the t-shirt. No doubt, the one braaing makes themselves known as the Braai Master. Every South African enjoys a braai, offering a large target audience for these successful products.

30 day turnover: TBA

Price: R 3000

Password: 1234


Tees & Tops

A general clothing store offering plain apparel, encouraging bulk orders of products. Become a large provider of apparel items for companies wanting to do their own branding.

30 day turnover: TBA

Price: R 5000

Password: 1234